Welcome to the Cobourg
& Area Exhibit Page

Here you can view and/or download (.pdf) the panels from our most recent exhibits. Feel free to share them, use them in school projects –or just to learn a bit more about the heritage of Cobourg, Northumberland County and, of course, Ontario and Canada.

NOTE:  All story panels from 2012 – 2019 are now viewable, searchable and downloadable at our new site at http://vitacollections.ca/cobourg-heritage-centre/search

2017 Theme: Cobourg & Canada 


2 Creative Cobourg
Alan Bradley 1 (jpg)
Alan Bradley 2 (jpg)
ii Alice VanderVennen
iii Edwin Guillet
iv Bob Homme
Charles Fothergill
vi Glenn McMurdo
vii Jarko Zavi
viii John de Visser
ix Katharine Cornell
Paul Kane
xi Ron Bolt
xii Shane Peacock
xiii Ted Staunton

3 The Americans
The Summer Colony
ii William Chambliss

4 Education
Egerton Ryerson
ii General
The First Nations

6 Politicians
Early Local Politicians
ii Edgar Benson

7 Significant Women
Emily Stowe & Augustus Stowe-Gullen
ii Lenah Field Fisher
iii Madeline Rooney
iv The Suffragettes
William Edgar Hayden, MD

2016 Theme: Sports

1.  Baseball
i. Cobourg Baseball
ii. Paul Quantrill
2.  Basketball
3. Boxing
4. Curling

5. Football
i. Lynn Bottoms
ii. Galloping Ghosts
6. Highland Games

7. Hockey
i. Gord Brooks
ii. Dennis O’Brien
iii. Jimmy Roberts
iv. Ron Smith
v. Steve Smith
vi. Paul Terbenche
vii. Justin Williams
8. Horse Show
9. Lacrosse
10. Lawn Bowling

11. Olympians
i. Jeremiah Brown
ii. William ‘Bill’ Griffith
iii. Lawrence ‘Larry’ O’Connor
iv. Arthur Ravensdale
v. Fred Simpson
12. Sailing
13. Soccer

14. Softball
i. Cobourg Angels
ii. Cobourg Legion
iii. Cold Springs Cats
iv. Grafton Fastball Tournament
v. Marty Kernaghan
15. Sports Facilities

16. Sports Personalities
i. Layton Dodge
ii. Robert Clarke Sommerville 

17. Strength
i. Kevin Fast
ii. Jenny Foote

2015 Theme:  Industry & Commerce

1.  Cobourg’s Early Settlers (3 panels)

2.  Agriculture
i.  Fairs
ii.  Massey
3.  Banks

4.  Breweries, Distilleries & Taverns
i.  Calcutt Brewery at Heritage Centre Site
ii.  Taverns & Prohibition

5. Factories:
i. The Cooey Company
ii. Dyeing Company
iii. Field and Brothers
iv. General Wire and Cable
v. Kraft Canada
vi. Lydia Pinkham
vii. Crossen Railway Car Companies
viii. The Tannery
ix. Woolen Mill Matting Factory
6. Hotels
7. Inventions
8. Labour Council
9. Newspapers
10. Stores
i. Henley Arcade
ii. McCallum and Sons

2014 Theme:  Our Military Story

1.  The Militia:
3.  Early Conflicts
iii.  Boer War
4.  WWI
iv.  Currie Trial 1 & 23 & 4
5.  WWII
i.  Gordon Keenan
iv.  Five Women
d)  Vi Warren
v.  Three Chaplains & their Memorial Window
vi.  Victoria Cross
a)  The Cross
b)  John Foote
viii.  HMCS Cobourg & HMCSPortHope

2013 Theme:  Our Transportation Story

1.  Our Native Heritage:   Snowshoe & Toboggan   Canoe & Papoose
4.  The Harbour
          i.  The Early Years
          ii.  Boom & Bust/Captain Rooney
          iii.  The Transition Years
          iv.  HMCS Cobourg
          vi.  The Renaissance
          vii.  The Cobourg Yacht Club
5.   The Railways
          i.  Railway Fever
          ii.  Getting Started
          iv.  Death by Degrees/Our Heritage
          vi.  The Grand Trunk/The Canadian Northern

2012 Theme:  Cobourg Around Incorporation 1837